Capacity Building Grants

HPD_D-Up Oct_10

Capacity Building Grants

The Congdon Foundation developed the Capacity Building Grants Program to address a common desire among our partner nonprofits to do more, to do better, and to be sustainable.

The Capacity Building Grants are intended to fund efforts like: adding staff, expanding facilities, building out digital infrastructure, enlisting consultants or other professionals, enhancing fundraising or marketing efforts, creating programs, and developing leadership.

As a family rooted in High Point, NC, the grantmaking work of the foundation is restricted to 501(c)3 nonprofits in the Greater High Point area.

Grant Details:

  • The annual Capacity Building Grant cycle runs from January 1st – January 31st. Decisions are announced by the end of March with funds made available in April.
  • Each grant will be for $30,000 and renewable for three years. Thus, each grantee will get a total of $90,000 over the course of the grant, assuming positive annual reviews.
  • Each year, the Congdon Foundation will award 10 new Capacity Building Grants.
  • Each year the Capacity Building Grant call for proposals focuses on a different one of the foundation’s three funding priorities.
  • Please read our FAQ to help with any questions you may have.
  • The application process is online, short, and focused on how funds will be used to create capacity. The link below will be live on January 1st. A detailed description of the application can be accessed here.
  • When you click the button to apply for the grant, it will take you to a web portal. Enter a cell phone when setting up your profile because the system will text you a code.
  • *For additional questions or to schedule a time to meet with foundation staff, please contact Dr. Joe Blosser, Chief Impact Officer, at

Congdon Foundation Grant Recipients

We are pleased to announce the following organizations received an Education-focused Capacity Building Grant.

Communities in Schools of High Point

Communities in Schools of High Point

PEAK Adventure Ministries

PEAK Adventure Ministries

The College Prep and Leadership Academy

The College Prep and Leadership Academy

Operation Xcel

Operation Xcel

Greensboro Cerebral Palsy Association

Greensboro Cerebral Palsy Association

Notes for Notes at Penn-Griffin School of the Arts

Notes for Notes at Penn-Griffin School of the Arts

Equipd at UNCG

Equipd at UNCG

Commander Peace Academy

Commander Peace Academy

Be Elite Foundation-lg

Be Elite Foundation

Call for Proposals


Increasing access to and the quality of education


Addressing critical community needs


Supporting economic development for revitalization and stabilization


Increasing access to and the quality of education

"When you’re helped out,
it inspires you to help others."

EMILY CAROTHERS, Earl and Kitty Congdon Old Dominion Freight Line Scholarship Recipient

"Compassion is taking action. It’s not being satisfied with the status quo."

Carl Vierling, Greater High Point Food Alliance
Executive Director

"We’re creating our own ecosystem that is poised to turn our home into the “high point” of our state once more."

Rachel Collins, Business High Point

"All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the Lord your God."

Deuteronomy 16:17

"Our board is deeply involved in High Point. Their commitment to the city is evident in their desire for the foundation to form real partnerships with our grant recipients, so that we can support them to grow their impact."

Rev. Dr. Joe Blosser,
Chief Impact Officer